"Athena 2008" is the first project I completed this year, a painting I made for my college friend, the fair Nicole Stagg, who previously was spearheading the Joke Project website with my buddies the Flackman Bros. Nicole approached me around Christmas time of last year, saying she wanted to hire me to paint an original image for her to sort of initiate the beginning of a new phase in her life. She showed me a few images that had meant something to her--for example:

(this is an image she had grown up with and felt strongly represented the kind of bold graphic quality she was looking for. Consequently, I don't think the painting I eventually did captured the same style, though I do think it represents a similar idea)

(I surely don't have to tell you that this is a surrealist's dream.)
With these ideas in mind, I proposed doing some kind of mythic image, with the goddess representing her higher self, as well as feminine qualities of strength, leadership, and wisdom, which seemed appropriate to a lady who runs a large website. In the dead of winter, 2008, I set out to discover what this new image of the goddess just might be.
I've been studying the path to enlightenment for quite some time now, and mythic images and stories have become important as signpost or way-showers in my research. One mythological researcher that I've become really fond of is a writer and interviewer named William Henry. Based in Nashville, Tenesee, William has a really upbeat quality about his research and storytelling, and his findings and leaps of intellect have really spoken to me for years. You can listen to some of his interviews on his website, or as a guest host on Dreamland, Whitley Strieber's internet radio show on his site Unknown Country. Trust me, this guy is really on to something, and I always look forward to his newest revelation.

At any rate, William is constantly referencing the replica of the Parthenon of Athens that exists in Nashville, (check that link out, its awesome, seriously) complete with a rather large statue of the Greek goddess of Wisdom, Athena herself. Lights went off in my head as I realized this was the perfect representative for Nicole's transition and new direction. As you can see, the statue, (which I believe stands around 40 feet tall and is gilded with gold) holds a sort of angelic figure in her right hand, while a shield sits below her lowered right arm as her spear rests on her right shoulder. The angel is actually the goddess Nike, who represents Victory.
I proposed to Nicole that in our image Athena be focused on Nike, while her shield and spear would be set down behind her. This was meant to represent that she was putting her struggles behind her, and focusing only on victory, on positive outcome for the future. Nicole loved the idea, and it was off to the races I went. But wait, there's more to this story... so much more....

light disc Aten becomes many centuries later the city of Athens and the goddess Athena. Tsarion paints this movement with a potentially nefarious thrust, leading all the way into the corruption of the shadowy New World Order that plagues our modern paranoia and manifests as the eye in the pyramid on the back of the one dollar bill. For me, the jury is still out whether Akhenaton was a megalomaniac uprooting a late dynasty Egypt into following an invisible circle of light or a prophet revealing a deeper truth about the unifying consciousness that lives behind the eyes of every creature on this planet. At any rate, I wanted to show you, the reader, the connections I was making as I was creating the painting over the month of January, 2008. It was proving to be an intense experience. But wait, there's more...much more....

And doesn't the structure look like a spear?
Bing!!!! Another light flashes on! I have not only chosen to release Athena from her obligations as a goddess of battle by putting her spear aside, I've also replaced the war instrument with a more literal interpretation of what a spear might represent in mythological language. Hence, in my painting, the spear would become a stairway to heaven--and now Athena would be flanked by the Meru particle accelerator to lead the goddess up towards the higher mind.
Here's a few initial sketches of the ideas I presented to Nicole for approval:

I gotta be honest with you, painting can really suck. Its hard work, usually for not enough money, and its really kind of lonely. I'm a night owl, and if I'm painting I'll stay up till 8am and sleep half the day. This will screw up your sense of time and connection to the outside world. Its like you've been dreaming for days, or in this case, for a month in the middle of winter. Also, I was really digging deeply into the work of Michael Tsarion while making this thing, and he's Irish, and being part of an oppressed people doesn't always make your view on the world come off as all that positive. Don't get me wrong, his info and insight are rather incredible. Mind blowing. I could feel it change me as I listened to his wisdom. But damn, man, some of the conspiracy stuff can get pretty bleak. If I was going to pull off this painting with a positive spin, I was going to have to look for something new on the internet to entertain me.
Don't ask me why, but, being fascinated by the whole UFO community, one day I decided to see if there was any connection between Athena and extraterrestrials. Guess what?
I had heard of the Ashtar Command before, but I hadn't ever really looked

Lady Athena seems like a very nice lady. I've spent some hours now listening to her podcasts and she's actually pretty down to earth in the way she speaks and in her sense of humor. I'm sure if you met her on the street you wouldn't necessarily know she professes to be a commander of an interstellar community of space people invisibly monitoring and mentoring humanity with a message of love and peace and the intention of helping us all realize our Christ illuminated selves and transitioning the entire planet into an higher enlightened consciousness. And again, she seems like a really nice lady. Here's her description of the Ashtar Command's purpose and function:

We also serve in monitoring and stabilizing planetary grid systems and other conditions which affect the various Gardens of Life, which includes your Earth. We surround this galaxy as guardians and overseers, safeguarding all evolving Souls according to the Divine Plan. We are the peace keepers and peace guardians within this universal sector.
Fleets within the Command specialize in a multiplicity of areas, among them, Spiritual education, scientific research, intergalactic protocol, diplomacy, statesmanship and the ascension of planetary worlds. We and our ground based representatives are here to assist the Earth and her population as she transfigures from dense physical, to etheric-physical bodies of Light capable of ascending with her into the fifth dimension.
Our intent is ever to inspire faith and trust in the One Divine Source, and to awaken everyone to your unique and Divine nature and purpose according to the Divine Plan. We ever encourage unity, harmony and the peaceful co-existence of all life.
We, your elder brothers and sisters from many worlds, are eagerly extending our hands to welcome you into the galactic family of which you are a part. Know that you are part of a vast universe so magnificent that even we cannot do it justice with our descriptions. We can assure you that it is teeming with life and filled with love, wisdom and creative opportunity. Know that you are precious in the sight of your Creator…that you are the Divine heirs to a kingly inheritance.
It is our delight in being of service to you and we are ever ready to respond to your specific requests. We bless you in the Love of our Most Radiant One…peace to our dear ones on Earth…we are the Celestial Hosts known as the Ashtar Galactic Command."
So this sounds like a pretty good deal, right?Needless to say, as I painted along my merry way I was thrilled to realize I had inadvertantly found my long lost space brothers and sisters and was actually painting a version of our commander in chief manifested in human form right here in the good old US of A. And I had something new to listen to. Consequently, I've joined the Command's MSN group and now I eagerly await contact and can chat with ascended masters and celestial beings online. All this because of a painting! High praise for Athena's wisdom, she surely was guiding me the whole time. If you follow that link above (here it is again) you can hear Commander Lady Athena's internet radio show and also follow links to learn how you too can potentially join the Ashtar Command's chat group (if the spirit moves you, of course). I highly recommend it if you're looking for something new and approach it with a very...open...mind.
With this final puzzle piece of the onion layer under my mixed bag of metaphor-belt, I could finally complete my masterpiece. And I did.
Its my pleasure to present to you "Athena 2008"

So that's it. If you are still reading, thanks for sticking with this post. I appreciate your stamina and enthusiasm for the absurd. I certainly didn't expect this project to be so bizarre and far reaching, it just worked out that way. But that's what being an artist is about. Cabdriver, Follow That Muse!!! You never know where she is going to lead you.
Cat, the painting's awesome. I hope/imagine she dug it much. But I can't lie: I'm a little disappointed that cool little befuddled angel dude didn't make the cut. Spinoff?
Maybe he is the "Enos" to Athena's "Dukes of Hazzard?"
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