Hello. I am feeling a little depressed and out of sorts today. I am not sleeping normally -- lately I have been working or making art all night and sleeping all day, still adjusting to being in San Francisco without a real regular schedule, and though I didn't work last night, I meditated a lot and tried to sleep, alas, to no avail. I need a little cheering up. So......
It is time.

Frank's folk's orb farm in Herkimer, NY (I'll explain later)--click to enlarge this image, its worth it!That's right, folks, orbs. Also known as extra celestials, these little balls of light have been popping up in photographs worldwide -- often suspected to be a trick of light or dirt on the lens, or the result of some kind of malfunction of the digital camera. But we in the know are aware that those explanations are all bullshit, and that orbs are some kind of other dimensional entities that like us humans and our earth, and are, well, living with us day to day, just outside of our visual perception range. And they like us, I swear it. I've even seen one with a little smiley face sticking out of it.
I first learned about the orbs while I was taking a meditation class, and an older woman from the class offered to take me to a lecture held by
Nancy Burson, 
an NYC artist and spiritualist who talks about her experiences with the orbs (she calls them Extra Celestials -- I will probably alternate referring to them as orbs or ECs throughout this post). I believe the ECs began to visit her after she entered a crop circle in England. She has developed a real relationship with them and now considers herself to be their emissary. During her lectures she also breaks out a little glow in the dark statue of Mother Mary that dances when she turns off the lights and plays spiritual, beat-ladened music. I don't remember seeing any orbs during this lecture, but I did soon thereafter begin to photograph them:
click to enlarge. Steal these pictures and enlarge them even more. orbs are cool looking!
Within a week or so of the lecture, I was painting a mural on 38th st and 8th ave in NYC, and upon photographing the image for my files (the mural had to be painted in a weekend, I chose the image of a root chakra as a grounding, healing image for passersby) I found that the pictures had picked up some ECs around the front of the building.
The one just below is particularly amazing, probably the brightest orb I've ever photographed.

It seems that if you are exposed to the ECs you will most likely start finding them in your photos, so if you read this orb series of posts, start to look through your photos and you will realize you have been posing for pictures with invisible friends!

Nancy says these are higher dimensional light beings who are here to assist humanity in our enlightenment. They are very happy little fellers. I tend to agree with her assessment. She says if you call to the ECs they will come and help you out with whatever might be ailin' ye. So maybe give it a try and see what happens.

Consequently, relating this back to Nancy's experience of the ECs with the crop circle, often bright balls of light are seen hovering over fields just before or during the making of crop circles. Are the ECs making the circles? A potential connection between the two phenomenon are the geometries that exist inside both the orbs and circles. If you look closely at some of these photos, you may see some very intricate geometries lying inside of them.
For example:

Perhaps a year or two later, I went to another Nancy Burson lecture, and some of her "friends" were photographed hanging with us afterwards (look closely):

I think it might be important to mention here that the orbs, to me, appear to have depth to them. Or more specifically, they seem to be portals or tunnels, as if you could dive into them.
For example:

The reason I point this out is because I think the orbs are illustrating an important quantum idea. It seems to me that source energy, god energy, consciousness, emanates from every atom, from every point in the "material" world. Being that energy is never created nor destroyed, perhaps energies are transferred from point to point through vortexes, (essentially a portal or tunnel that has torsion, or spin.) Perhaps these ECs travel by creating their own portals, by turning themselves into vortexes, and then teleporting from place to place, dimension to dimension, through themselves.
I bring this up for two reasons: 1. My out-of-body experience (the "first dream," the reason this blog exists, which can be read
here), where I witnessed a giant vortex made of light that spoke to me, meaning it was conscious. 2. A friend of a friend whom I met at the last Nancy Burson event, who described seeing a giant energetic portal in Central Park in NYC some years earlier. Essentially, I think these orbs are individuated, living vortexes of light. They are conscious energy centers, just floating all around us. But for some reason, we can't see them. Yet, the digital camera CAN. So the question begs to be asked: Are the cameras just making them up? It is possible they are some sort of digital anomaly, but I really don't buy that. I think the cameras are doing what they are designed to do: reproducing images of what is
actually there. They are literally photographing glowing objects that exist in the way a tree or a car exists. This same phenomena manifests with photographs of spirits, ufos, etc. We as humans are either psychologically blocked against seeing them, or the camera has a wider visual spectrum than the human eye. The camera can't just invent an orb, right? Right?
So what the heck is goin on here?

Stay tuned for oooooorrrrrrrrbbbbbbbbbbsssssssss 2!