Blogspot was giving me some trouble with expanding this original post, so here's part 2:

Old buddy, former news hound, frog lover, and web entrepeneur
Lorin Kalisky has written up an rather intelligently rendered review of the new
Agent of Venus album, Boduvt, (and shame on you if you haven't looked into our album or blog,
here's your chance). I highly encourage you to go over to his
Lodog blog to read it and be wowed by his dopeness. Homeboy can really write. Thanks for the kind words, Lorin. He says he's listened to the record 20 times in a row, which is the best review anyone could give our record.

Lastly, I've learned that an actor pal from college has been wrestling with cancer, and is writing a rather masterful document of his experiences on a blogspot blog. Celebrity
Holter Graham is not only a talented actor and the bastard son of George Carlin, Denis Leary, and Rob Halford when he talks (though dude can't sing like Halford, but homey
gets the metal), but he is also one hell of writer and a damn fine human being, if I do say so my damn self. Reading his blog has been sobering and entertaining: Holter has never been short on personality and has a particularly, dare I say, Holteresque take on this predicament. I highly recommend checking out his
online diary. This is my way of sending out good wishes to the man and my profound hope for a speedy and effortless recovery. Love ya, Holter, even though I know you'd hate to hear it....
Strangely enough, and relevant to this blog, I had been seeing people on the street yesterday that had been reminding me of Holter, and then only hours later learned of his illness. The invisible world at work, or some knowledge crossing over through time, but the precognitive thing just sort of happens to me from time to time, especially when someone you care about is really going through the shit. Its like some kind 5th dimensional alarm clock, if that makes any sense.
Whatever it is, it is succeeding in breaking my heart.
Dammit Holter, you better get better....