The simple gist behind this image is that its a painting of a root chokra. Ideally, people would see it and have some sort of unconscious response to it, or rather, their root chokra would be activated by seeing the image. Its been difficult for me to learn to be grounded during my adult life, and I imagine other New Yorkers have the same problem, since this place is so frenetic and mental. Ideally, this imaged would inspire pedestrians to be more grounded.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Murals in NYC part 6 -- Root Chakra
Yet another NYC mural that came through Chashama was this painting I did on 38th st and 8th ave in, I believe, 2005. It was created as part of a performance and art festival that was happening on or around loading docks and storefronts at least throughout the garment district if not all of Manhattan. I was supposed to create this one over the course of a weekend. What I didn't realize was that I was obligated to repaint their entire loading dock as part of the deal. I don't know how that happened but, oh well, whatayagonnado? I did end up repainting the dock yellow, white, and a lovely lime green.
The simple gist behind this image is that its a painting of a root chokra. Ideally, people would see it and have some sort of unconscious response to it, or rather, their root chokra would be activated by seeing the image. Its been difficult for me to learn to be grounded during my adult life, and I imagine other New Yorkers have the same problem, since this place is so frenetic and mental. Ideally, this imaged would inspire pedestrians to be more grounded.
Consequently, a very ungrounded thing appears in the photos of this mural: strange glowing orbs of light, floating about, nearly invisible sometimes, or glowing brightly in other shots. I will explain this phenomenon in my next non-mural related post.
Can you dig it?!
The simple gist behind this image is that its a painting of a root chokra. Ideally, people would see it and have some sort of unconscious response to it, or rather, their root chokra would be activated by seeing the image. Its been difficult for me to learn to be grounded during my adult life, and I imagine other New Yorkers have the same problem, since this place is so frenetic and mental. Ideally, this imaged would inspire pedestrians to be more grounded.
NYC Murals part 5 -- Hiphop Theatre Festival
Here's a series of 'process' photos of the Urban Theater Arts Festival mural I co-painted on the 2nd story of Chashama's main building on 42nd st. I would later go on to paint the "One Myth" mural over this mural. Please check out the two part entry on One Myth: Part 1 and Part 2.
The building, sadly, would later go on to be destroyed. Such is the life of a mural artist in NYC.
I think this mural was done in 2002, maybe 2003, not sure.
One interesting note: the statue of liberty image was painted by Adam Matta, who is a human beat box and does paintings with his bike. Check him out at

The building, sadly, would later go on to be destroyed. Such is the life of a mural artist in NYC.
I think this mural was done in 2002, maybe 2003, not sure.
One interesting note: the statue of liberty image was painted by Adam Matta, who is a human beat box and does paintings with his bike. Check him out at

NYC Murals part 4 -- Anita's house 2
The second mural I painted for Anita was downstairs in her living room. The child was now born, a little boy, and she wanted more animals, this time in some kind of ice kingdom. The interesting thing related to this particular mural goes something like this:
In the midst of creating this particular mural, I was involved with an earthshift. A what? Lemme back up.
Since around 2000, I had been studying meditation and energetic healing with the Merlins of Vortex Healing, a divine spiritual lineage re-discovered by Ric Weinman in 1994. Over the years since 2000 I had experienced some profound energies through Vortex, but perhaps the most overwhelming experience occurred in early 2005 in NYC during this earthshift. An earthshift is a healing done on a global scale by a group of wizards who have been studying Vortex Healing, facilitated by the teacher, who happens to be a Merlin. This specific earthshift was about releasing a lot of the war or violence karma in the Middle East. I won't go into the all the details of the shift, but suffice it to say that it was a very powerful energetic experience, and at the height of it, I felt a giant snakelike surge of energy rise up my spine, force my head back, and push its way out of my mouth, as if I had vomited up a giant, invisible boa constrictor.
This is me being literal, this actually happened.

Probably a day or two later (really not sure) I was painting this mural in Anita's house and listening to the Shins second album, Shutes Too Narrow, when this feeling started coming over me. I began to see the profound beauty in the music, in the painting, in my surroundings, like this all pervasive feeling that God was in the room with me and everything had this beautiful grace about it. It was quite moving.
I'm not sure if it was that night or the next morning when I realized I was sick as a dog. Sweating, aching, nose running, completely-dilapidated-type-flu-sick. I think I remained sick for about five days, pretty much staying in bed, totally laid out and wasted. It was brutal.
But perhaps on the sixth or seventh day (again, I'm really unclear on time around this event), I woke up feeling completely amazing. Something had shifted in my consciousness, and, simply put, I knew that I was God. Not that I was a part of God, or that God had come into my life, but that I was, in fact, God itself. It was a truly incredible feeling. There was so much happiness surrounding it, so much peace, so much energy and excitement. Everything looked amazing, everyone looked amazing. It was like I was in love with everything I saw. I think this sensation lasted for less than an hour. I don't remember what happened for the rest of that day, but that brief experience was rather priceless, sort of one of those unbearable lightnesses of being that mystics, holy rollers, and rock stars strive for.
Fascinating what can happen to you around painting a mural....

NYC Murals part 3 -- Anita's house
A few years ago (2004 to early 2005) I painted two murals for Anita Durst, the ceo of Chashama, the non-profits arts organization in NYC who had previously hired me to paint a few huge murals on the second story of their main building on 42nd st between 6th ave and Broadway (which consequently has been destroyed and turned into a humongous bank). Anita was going to have a baby, and she hired me to paint the entire bedroom as a wildlife mural. We went through lots of pictures of animals she wanted to see, as well as landscapes and flowers, and eventually I painted all four walls and the ceiling. I don't think I quite finished this mural to Anita's satisfaction, but the project was so huge I would have needed more time than I had to go back and fix or finish every mistake. That said, I think for the most part, the work I did complete was pretty cool. Please check it out:

Monday, October 27, 2008
NYC Murals part 2 -- I Magi Nation: a nation of magicians
This is the latest mural I've completed, created in Long Island City (Queens), NY July 2008. Curated by Patrick Smith for Off the Wall By the People in conjunction with the arts group Chashama. I was interviewed for an article on this project to bring mural art to all the construction site walls on LIC by the Queens Chronicle--you can check out the interview here.
Thematically, the idea was loosely based around a workshop given by the channel Daryll Anka, who channels an inter-dimensional extra-terrestrial consciousness named Bashar. I first saw Bashar speak at a huge Ufo conference run by Lakota Souix elders in Estes Park, CO (a subject I will get to in this blog at another date) over ten years ago, and he stuck out in my mind because of his forceful delivery and great sense of humor. Lately I had been watching google videos of his seminars, and I decided to participate in one that was being broadcast live from LA over the interwebs. The two day workshop was entitled "Imagination: Key to the Higher Mind."

Bashar broke down the word "imagination" into I-Magi-Nation, saying that this country, perhaps this world, could very well become or is a Nation of Magicians, as we invent reality into being through our consciousness and by pursuing that which makes us happy. "Follow your excitement" seems to be one of his basic 'laws' of realizing the higher self in this incarnation. I decided this would be the theme of my mural, as it is a piece of public art and I should endeavor to put forth a positive message for the kids and whatnot. I had originally intended to paint a line of people, to show the nation stretched across the mural, but for the amount of money I was being offered to paint, I decided it would be more worth my while to stick with one central figure instead. Art is, after all, much more labor intensive than most people realize--its long hours, in this case at the height of the summer--so I figured I should cut myself some slack and just concentrate on getting the mural done in a relatively short amount of time. I seem to remember painting the face of this goddess figure on the hottest day of the two weeks it took to complete the image, and it definitely affected the intensity of her face, as I had intended to make her more traditionally beautiful. But the painting sort of got away from me, and this stranger manifested....
What I realized, after I had begun work on the painting, is that by choosing this central wise woman figure, I was preparing myself to see the avatar Amma, who was to arrive in New York City shortly after I finished the painting. It was my hope that anyone who stumbled upon the painting would be spiritually uplifted, and maybe the mural carried the energies of Bashar and Amma with it, which would be sure to raise anyone's frequencies. If you sit with the image quietly for a few minutes, do you feel any subtle vibrations coming off the screen or inside your own body? Something to ponder....
Here's some more details, don't forget to click on the image to enlarge it....

Bashar broke down the word "imagination" into I-Magi-Nation, saying that this country, perhaps this world, could very well become or is a Nation of Magicians, as we invent reality into being through our consciousness and by pursuing that which makes us happy. "Follow your excitement" seems to be one of his basic 'laws' of realizing the higher self in this incarnation. I decided this would be the theme of my mural, as it is a piece of public art and I should endeavor to put forth a positive message for the kids and whatnot. I had originally intended to paint a line of people, to show the nation stretched across the mural, but for the amount of money I was being offered to paint, I decided it would be more worth my while to stick with one central figure instead. Art is, after all, much more labor intensive than most people realize--its long hours, in this case at the height of the summer--so I figured I should cut myself some slack and just concentrate on getting the mural done in a relatively short amount of time. I seem to remember painting the face of this goddess figure on the hottest day of the two weeks it took to complete the image, and it definitely affected the intensity of her face, as I had intended to make her more traditionally beautiful. But the painting sort of got away from me, and this stranger manifested....

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